
Simple Ways To Improve Your Motivation and Momentum

February 11th, 2021|Categories: Life|

Have the winter doldrums already slowed down your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t sweat it, it happens to the best of us. Gray skies aside, the issue of sluggishness could have more to do with the goals you laid out and less so with what you may be labeling as sheer laziness on your part. To relight your fire, we’ve rounded up five simple ways to rediscover your motivation and momentum for the year ahead. […]

Seven Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day

February 8th, 2021|Categories: Life|

Did Valentine’s Day sneak up on you this year? We get it, with so much going on in the world it can be hard to remember these things. Have no fear! We’ve got you covered with our list of seven last-minute gift ideas that will arrive in time for February 14 festivities. […]

Five Things To Consider When Buying a Vacation Home

February 1st, 2021|Categories: Homeownership, Life, Money|

Is 2021 the year to finally buy the vacation home of your dreams? Whether it’s a family cottage in the woods or a more intimate beachside retreat for two, the reality of purchasing a second holiday home comes wrapped in responsibilities. But if you feel you’re ready to pull the trigger, then read on for five important tips to consider before investing your hard-earned cash.  […]

Tips For Avoiding Identity Theft When Filing Your Tax Return

February 1st, 2021|Categories: Fraud Prevention, Life, Money|

Friday, February 12, marks the first day of tax season, when individual returns will start being processed by the IRS. Criminals love this time of year, as it gives them a chance to try and swipe your tax refund. For signs of identity theft, check out the IRS’ website, where they flag telltale signs like not being able to e-file a return because of a duplicate Social Security Number (SSN). Here, five ways to protect against identity theft this tax [...]

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